Thursday, December 13, 2007


Tomorrow is Friday! I have so much to do. I've been off today and started the mad clean for tomorrow. Brothers dinner is at our house this year. I am so excited! We are making kabobs and a mash bar. I'm looking forward to hanging out with the family and having a good time. Tori is going to be here and we are going to make gingerbread cookies. I've never made them if you can believe it. I'm also getting my hair cut tomorrow HOORAY!~ Pics to come of course ;)


Michelle said...

I just noticed the link for Hambly on your blog. You're so funny!

What the heck is a mash bar? Is that an East Coast thing??? It sounds like you are going to have a ton of fun! I hope you have a great time making gingerbread cookies with Tori. :) Looking forward to the pictures.

Unknown said...

Very fun! Ive never made them either lol! I buy premade stuff. Cant wait to see the pics.